Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Preparing. . .

Blogs are funny . . . They are so easy to access and to update because us as a modern civilization spend alot of time on the computer. But how often do we actually update them. . . not a lot. Soon this blog will be used alot because I wont be the one updating it. Soon this blog will be a missionary blog!! YAY!! I got my call a couple of months ago. In April to be exact! I have been called to serve in the Washington Spokane Mission!! I report to the MTC on August 15, 2012. Words cannot express how excited and nervous to embark on this journey. I have alot of prep to do. Also a lot of things to record as I study and get things ready to leave for 18 months! Hopefully I can get alot of it on here. Until more my friends!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Following the Crowd!

So it been forever since I've updated this blog. But since all these people now are saying "hey you have a blog what is it ill follow you"... i need to update it so i don't look like a loser when i only have two posts. But other than that this time in my life is in need of being documented. I have about 9 months til MISSION!! and about 4 months till i can start papers. I am sooo excited. I've started a routine of study and pondering but when on a mission you'll have to teach and share those times and thoughts with people. What better way to practice then to blog it :) And this lady right here is my partner in crime with all of this! My best friend Stephany Zurita. She has a different twist on all things Gospel. I love discussing topics with her to see how she sees it. Cause in the field I'm sure there is people with a different take on basic principles obviously. I love this lady and her oblivious help to prepare me. Until more my friends! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just a thought...

You know whats weird about college? The people you meet there are considered family after such a small amount of time. Seriously girls that ive only known for like 4 months i consider my sisters and would tell them every little thing about me, my problems, my dreams, my fears, everything . Boys that Ive known for 4 months i would do anything for them . . .well almost anything. But still they are my brothers and i would defend them like i would my brother ive had around for 16 years. why is that? i can only name a handfull of people from highschool that i would do that for and ive known them for four years not four months. its crazy! i mean i know college is a transitional period but so is high school. Hmmm..... Anywho im grateful for these people and would never take back a moment of hyperspeed friendship with them! Random thought of the day!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Other half of T- Bird Lovin!!

Andy, Kris, Ammaron, Evan and I

Kris, Andy And I

Todd, Me, And TMills

The boys of B-200
Can i just say how much I love B-200 at Juniper 2009-2010!!! They are some of the best boys out there! Even though i was made of fun and pinned to ground almost daily, it was very fun! Expecially 1st semester we had a blast. Now we only live in the smallest city ever Cedar City, so we did some silly things while we were in college! My little crew consisted of Andy Erickson, Kris Talbert, Ammaron Patane, Weston Smith and lots of other people. And we had a blast! One of our many adventures included gasoline, tires, and a huge abandoned mine!! WWOO! yes you guessed it Tire Rolling at 2000 Flushes! Now its not the smartest thing we have ever done because if you get caught you can be charged with arsoney ( i doubt thats how you spell it). Anyways we had so much fun! They were there for me through alot of crap and scary things i couldn't control. I am forever indebted to them for their love, priesthood blessings, wrestling matches and teasing! i love those boys like my brothers! From the late night runs to Beto's to the jam sessions to basketball games and gymnastic meets to heart to hearts and sneaking into abandoned hospitals it was possibly the best first year of college. through all the drama, craziness, sadness, joy and frustration we were there for each other. I LOVE COLLEGE!!!
Evidence of our deliquent behavior
Gymnastics meet!!

Andy, Chels, Sam, Ammaron lightin a tire!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

T- Bird lovin . . .

So for my first year of college I attended Southern Utah University in Cedar City. It was one of the best 9 months of my life. I learned alot of things and met alot of amazing people. Alot of my next posts will be about my time there. But the thing i loved most while i was there was the family that I gained . They constantly astound me with the things that they do and the potential they have to accomplish. The reason they are the focus of today's post is that my good friend Chris Martin and Wes Sorensen just laid their first track and played it on the local radio station. Small beans but its still amazing. It's called Didn't Even Know it. They are both rapping and Wes sings the chorus. Most of my Cedar Family is like that. Talented with the lyrics. Here is the song which is  on You tube. Check it out! often would have little rapping sessions when there wasn't anything to do. Just chillin in the room flowin around. Although i can't rap worth crap it was one of the things i loved the most. Nico Munoz, Chris Martin, Darius Williams, Dom Davis, Charles Phillips, Tyler Mills, Kris Talbert, Any Erickson, Tyson something, Todd Aubery, Terrisha Judd, Rachel DiMeglio and I chillin and rappin. My Cedar Family is the best that i could have asked for. We each were totally different. We came from different backgrounds, faiths, cultures and families. But we were there to grow up and to find out what life has in store. We were there for each other thick and thin. MY two girls that I could always count on are these two lovely ladies Terrisha Judd and Rachel DiMeglio. We only started being friends during our second semester but we had a blast and went through ALOT in that last semester. Its weird how in the little time that i have known these girls I feel like we have been friends for asuper long time!

                               Rachel, Terrisha and I

Chris, Nico, Manny, Charles, Rachel, Ari, and Terrisha

I adore these people and would do anything for them. We were tight all through that year and i hope that we can stay tight over the years to come. Happily this is only half of the people i call family in Cedar.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A new day, A new way . . .

Kind of a weird title I know! But its a new day and age and there are new ways of doing things. Like this blog thing. . . i wasnt to sure about it but i think it will be fun! I'm horrible on keeping a journal but hopefully this blog will help me keep down my memories, the things I learn and the things ill experiance in my life. Right now is a time of intense change and discovery. And i plan on taking it by the horns. Friends come and go. College is here where people and experiances rush past you. I'm excited for the new adventures I've taken on and will take on. I got my B of M, my family and the friends i love and im ready to go! WOO!!